Iyanla Vanzant Light Worker Photo

Do you know Iyanla Vanzant from “Iyanla, Fix my Life“? She is one of the many lightworkers with soul that I personally admire and at times I find myself growing through the work she shares with the world.

I believe spiritual growth is in part a journey of self-reflection and contemplation of thought. One particular meditation practice that I typically find myself immersed in is the contemplation of powerful ideas from spiritual lightworkers I admire, like Iyanla.

I don’t believe anything happens just because and when I find myself before a powerful thought inspired by spirit and shared by a lightworker; it’s a miracle in action.
At least for me. 

I’ll typically take it in (the quote) and read between the “thought” expressed by the lightworker.

Keep in mind that oftentimes spirit is not a literal force and requires that you break down the message within. You’ll find this to be true in all walks of faith. Countless historical lightworkers like The Buddha, The Christ among others always spoke in parables that required you dissolving it to soak it in and this still stands true today.

Sometimes at odd times and at all times you’ll get the signs and all you have to do is ask! The source of creation never leaves a prayer unanswered especially when the right intention, mindset and pursuits are clear and set by the seeker.

Shift your mind and awareness towards the signs and the answers will be there but of course all within reason. Often people miss out on the signs because they forget what they asked for. They forget the importance of being as specific as possible and with that said, here are my most recent favorite quotes from Iyanla.

Enjoy and hope this helps tofix your life“.

mindful meditation thinking of present photo/image.

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