the journey of a light worker - photo

Lightwork makes reference to the many tasks lightworkers perform.  These spiritual wellness tasks are meant to empower others through the power of the mind, soul and spirit and it’s typically work of celestial or divine intervention.

Lightworkers are teachers, intuitives and in many ways healers of the soul that help those in the process of spiritual awakening. Two popular and ancestral figures of the lightworker path are Christ and The Buddha -they are exceptional standards of what is considered to be a lightworker today.

Of course Christ is one of utmost examples of the light. One of perfect merit and perfect sacrifice and that is what all lightworkers aspire to become. Beacons of light for humanity.

lightwork prayerLight work is about inspiring others to live beyond the flesh and to awaken virtues that rest within the spirit of every human being. It’s about the ability to manifest and heal through prayer, hope and faith which are pathways to miracles.

Lightwork is typically a non-dogmatic path. It’s mostly spiritual, however, it does not mean that such paths of service are absent within the walls of church or religion or for that matter that the practice of lightwork within religion is wrong.

Despite the above most of the lightworkers born within the walls of dogma soon begin to experience the spiritual awakening process. It is in this process that religion tends to become less important to make room for spirituality.

During this process believers awaken to a celestial or divine call and because of this call awareness beyond the walls of church ensues making room for new understanding. New understanding where the muscles of faith and spirit can be tried and flexed in different but fulfilling way that feels divinely inspired but above all natural.

This journey is not about following structure or rules, about sin or hell but about love and service. Lightworkers dedicate their time to further expansion and development of the gifts given by the Holy Spirit, The Creator, by God or The Holy Source.

The journey of a lightworker is a never ending one – we are constantly learning. We are constantly working and servicing the community. This is what we are here to do and we understand that knowledge both attained through books and intuitively through the Holy Spirit is key to the path.

The journey of a lightworker is not about judgement, it is about love, understanding and service. It’s about making miracles accessible and possible for everyone willing to receive. It is a path meant to empower others to mercy, forgiveness and compassion. To encourage inner well being.

The lightworker path is about shining light and peace to a world in constant chaos. To acknowledge that in the spirit of gratitude all is possible.

If you ever encounter a lightworker in your own day to day journey, be open to the service he or she may provide but always remember that a servant of the light will always encourage love, peace and mercy; they will help you tap into your own strength and empower you to conquer anything that has been standing in the way of your victory.

God is above all and is the source of the lightworkers servitude, all glory and all merits to the source of all in creation. It is through that power that we are empowered to serve, heal and strengthen.

Are you a lightworker? or have you ever encountered one? Let me know about your experience in the comments below. Peace and light!

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